Sunday, March 23, 2008

If you could only do one form of exercise to lose weight what should you do?

Hi Everyone,

I recently asked my subscribers and clients for questions about health & fitness that they really want the answers to. I had plenty of replies and have got plenty of questions to answer. I will make my way through them all over the next couple of weeks. Here is the first one:

If you could only do one form of exercise to lose weight what should you do?

You should exercise your self restraint and stop shovelling too much food into your mouth - this will definately lead to weight loss - haha. Sorry, I'm not funny I know.

Well, this is a tough one for me as I can't honestly say that there one type in particular and if I had my way everyone would be doing a combination of resistance training & cardio-vascular (aerobic) training. Why, because one stimulates muscle activity & tones muscles which boosts metabolism for 48-72 hrs resulting in more calories burned throughout those days and the other burns fat calories whilst you do it. I hope you know which is which :-)

But , I guess I should answer the question so here it is . Absolutely anything that makes you sweat and sweat lots. Yes, you too Girls. Never break a sweat? Try a boxing class or a spinning/cycle class and you will.. Here are 2 options , an outdoor & an indoor:

  • Running is an all time favourite weight loss activity. Why, you are carrying your weight around against the pull of gravity and this leads to a large consumption of calories thus resulting in lots of flab being burned. You can do it practically anywhere and don't need any special equipment - making it convenient and therefore less excuses for you to not do it. Start slow with a walk/jog and then progress to a jog/run and then to a run. When you can run 30 mins non-stop at good pace (this means not so slow that a powerwalking mum over takes you with her stroller) then you should add sprints or/and hills to the mixture. By the way, if you cannot walk/jog then just walk and then walk/fast walk, just try to do a little faster or longer each time and you will soon be running.


  • In my opinion you can't beat Spinning/Cycle classes. They are high energy and drive the heart rate high and then lower it again . This has been shown to burn more fat than a steady consistent pace and gets you bloody fit in the process, meaning a strong & healthy heart as well as a lean physique. If you have not done this class before you will need to start slow and follow your instructor's guidelines. As soon as you are able - push yourself hard & watch the fat melt away. By the way, I know some of you hate cycling so you should do a high energy class like Body Attack or similar, as always start slow and work at your level of fitness, if you feel faint or dizzy - immediately panic and shout at the instructor for help - NO , don't do that - i'm kidding! Don't worry, just stop straight away and lie down with your feet up against the wall at about 45 degrees if you can - this helps blood flow back to the heart. Now just concentrate on your breathing - big breaths in through the nose (fill the lungs) and slow exhale through the mouth & repeat - you'll be fine in no time at all.

Ok, so that's about it for this question. I could go on and on but I'll leave it here. You'll notice I haven't mentioned resistance training/weights even though at the start I said everyone should do it. That's because weights routines will vary for different people and you should not just go to the gym and do whatever. Yes, we all need weights but we need structured routines and proper guidance. See a good Personal Trainer to have a proper program designed for you.

Bye for now, your fitness friend,

Mr. Inta-Fitness

Monday, March 3, 2008

Inta-Fitness LITE , low cost Personal Training for everybody.

Hi Everybody,

I just wanted to let you know that we have a new service called Inta-Fitness LITE which is designed to introduce those who can't quite afford regular Personal Training to the benefits of having your own Personal Trainer.

It consists of :

1 x 'FASTFIT' 30 minute training session &
1 x 'GROUP' 45 minute outdoor training session on a Saturday or Sunday morning in the Kew area.

It is priced at only $59.95 per week which I think represents great value,I hope you agree! It is also extremely client friendly and there are absolutely:

No Sign Up Costs
No Contracts
No Hidden Fees
No Termination Fees

To make sure this new service does not interfere with our most loyal and regular clients we have limited the times that the 30 minute'FASTFIT' session is available. Those times are:

Mon - Fri between 6.00 am & 4.00 pm

Anyway, to see full details of this new package please go here:

Cleverly Disguised WebLink

So, if any of you who are local to us in Melbourne are interested in this new service please give us a call on 03 9853 2863 as we'd love to have you on board. I'd also really appreciate it if you would pass this info on to anyone whom you know, that you feel might be interested.

We will be giving a $20 store credit or training discount to YOU for any referrals you send our way who take up this new program.

Ok, I hope you don't mind me touting for business, I promise I'll give you some worthwhile tips to help with your health & fitness very soon!

Health Tip of the Day:

"In a recent study, positive and satisfied middle-aged people were twice as likely to survive over a 20-year period as compared to more negative people"

There you go - more proof that being miserable is bad for your health - haha.

Here's the link again for the Inta-Fitness LITE details, to save you scrolling back up the page:

Cleverly Disguised WebLink

Your Friend In Fitness,

Mr. Inta-Fitness